In each area of law that we practice, we provide years of experience attaining results for our clients. At The Peck Law Office, our clients benefit from having an attorney with trial experience in the actual court in which your case is now pending.
Our Butler County divorce attorneys have years of experience representing husbands and wives in contested divorce cases involving children, high value assets, retirement division, spousal or alimony, and military retirement. Each divorce case is different. Each divorce client is different. We provide personalized representation to all divorce clients.
We represent parties seeking an amicable resolution to the end of their marriage. Our dissolution attorneys understand the stress and emotions that a client experiences during this trying time. Our experience in dissolution cases will help relieve some of your stress as we guide you through the dissolution process.
Our custody attorneys are familiar with shared parenting, sole residential custody, child support, and parenting time or visitation issues. These issues arise between married parents going through divorce, through unmarried parents that have separated, or as a result of children's services getting involved with your family. We have experience in all local courts that handles custody matters and our experience will help you achieve the results that your child requires during this difficult time.
We fight for the protection of petitioners seeking domestic violence protection orders and those seeking civil stalking protection orders. We fight to defend respondents against false claims of domestic violence, harassment, and stalking. Our vast trial experience in protection order hearings benefits our clients, regardless of petitioner or respondent.
Attorney Ched H Peck's significant court room and trial experience began through his representation of criminal defendants. Although this experience pays dividends for clients in all areas of law, his continued defense practice ensures current knowledge of local courtroom practices, local prosecutors, and local judges.
With thousands of criminal cases successfully defended, he regularly defends clients facing charges in the Butler County Area 1, 2 and 3 Courts, Butler County Common Pleas, Hamilton Municipal, Fairfield Municipal, Middletown Municipal, as well as court in Hamilton County and Warren County, Ohio.
We have represented hundreds of clients injured in serious car accidents collecting over $1,000,000 in damages over the last two years. Injured? Contact our office for a free no obligation case assessment.