Trusted Divorce Attorneys In Butler County Ohio

With 20 years of experience representing Butler County divorce clients as well as representing divorce clients in Hamilton County, Clermont County, Warren County, Montgomery County, and Preble County, we have the experience and knowledge of divorce court procedures necessary to provide you with skilled representation in your divorce.


Experienced Divorce Attorneys

Why Choose Us For Your Divorce

Experienced in Complex Divorce Issues

We are experienced in divorces involving high value asset division, real property, QDRO, DOPO, and other retirement divisions, custody and child support, debt allocation, military divorce, and most other legal situations that arise during a divorce.  What establishes experience?  The number of cases that an attorney has handled and the issues faced during those cases.  After 20 years of practice, we have experienced cases involving virtually every scenario. 

Actual Trial Experience In Divorce Cases

Cases in which a fair and amicable resolution cannot be reached by agreement, go to trial.   We are prepared and experienced to take cases to trial.   We are experienced with contested divorce trial issues including: spousal support, child support, temporary custody, allocation of debts, real estate issues and property division, spousal support (alimony), shared parenting, custody, sale of real estate, valuation of assets or real estate, and attorney fee issues.

Personable Divorce Lawyers

Divorce attorneys at The Peck Law Office speak the same language as our clients. We will take the time to explain the meaning of verbiage that will seem foreign to a non-attorney. Further, it is imperative that a spouse going through this process understands the impact that specific language contained in court documents has in the short term and will have in the long term. Our clients have this understanding.

Affordable Divorce Attorneys Reasonable &

Efficient Billing

Our divorce clients benefit from The Peck Law Office's reasonable and efficient billing practices.  We do not overbill clients. Not only is this not in our nature, but also because we strive to maintain low overhead, and have an easy time maintaining a steady flow of clients. 

Accessible Attorneys Here When You Need Us

 Our divorce attorneys understand that your job, parenting responsibilities, and lifestyle may not permit you to schedule consultations during banker's hours. We strive to make every effort to schedule and speak with you when you are available. Our clients have access to emergency contact methods so that you are able to notify your divorce attorney during evening and weekend hours in the event that you encounter an emergency.

Did We Mention Experience?

Experience cannot be overstated.  We represent hundreds of clients going through divorces each year.  Although two cases are seldom the same, cases tend to involve similar legal issues and applications.  Chances are, we've seen your situation before.

Divorce Lawyers With Trial Experience Involving:

High Asset Divorce Cases

Uncontested Divorce

Custody Disputes

Divorce Modifications

Retirement Division in Divorce

Military Divorce

Same Sex Divorce

Low Cost Divorce

No Property 

Simple Divorces

Substantial Debt Allocation

Spousal Support/Alimony

We offer free consultations. 

Call Us. Meet Us. 

 Then decide if we are the best Butler County divorce attorneys for your case.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Divorce Cases 

  • Should I hire a divorce attorney located in Butler County Ohio for a divorce pending in Butler County?

    I generally recommend hiring a divorce attonrey that has ample experience representing clients in the specific court in which your divorce is now or will be pending.  For example, if your case is now filed in Butler County, or will be filed in Butler County, an attorney that frequently practices in Butler County may present an advantage to you as he/she may be:

    • more knowledgeable of the procedures for filing,
    • more aware of a specific Judge's or Magistrate's view on specific issues, and 
    • may be more knowledgeable of court room procedure.

     More specifically, hiring a local attorney may ensure that your case is handled more efficiently and is presented to the Court in a manner that Butler County Judges and Magistrates prefer.  This may lead to a better outcome in your divorce case.

  • How long does a Butler County Ohio Divorce Take?

    This is the million dollar question asked by most parties seeking a divorce. First and foremost, no two cases are identical. Divorces with substantial assets and/or children generally take longer than simple divorces without children or substantial assets. A simple non-contested divorce can take as few as 60-90 days. However, even in the case of a simple non contested divorce, there are factors that will effect how long the process may take. For example, the first step in any divorce proceeding is serving your spouse with the Complaint. If you have lost contact with your spouse after a lengthy separation, serving him or her with the divorce complaint may be time consuming.

    Generally, it is accepted that divorces with minor children should be finalized within 18 months from the date of filing.  Divorces with no children should be finalized in no more than 12 months after the date that the divorce complaint was filed.

  • Is the divorce process different in every court?

    Although the divorce process is fairly uniform in Ohio courts, each specific county's  domestic relations court has its own rules of procedure.  As such, the process for conducting hearings, conducting trials, and for the filing of motions varies tremendously among Ohio courts.  Additionally, the cost of filing, or court costs, are established by each court in varying amounts.   

    Becuase of each court's unique rules, The Peck  Law Office recommends consulting with an attorney that has experience practicing in the domestic relations court in which you intend to file.

  • Where does The Peck Law Office represent divorce clients?

    Our divorce attorneys are experienced in Butler County, Hamilton County, Warren County, Clermont County, Montgomery County, and Preble County. We have appeared for limited appearances in Ross County as well.

  • Do you offer free consultations?

    The Peck Law Office offers free initial divorce consultations. Call us, meet us, then decide if we are the best divorce attorneys for your case.

  • How much does a divorce attorney cost?

    Divorce Attorneys bill hourly rates based largely on the attorney's level of experience.  To discuss our rates, please call us today.

  • How long does a divorce take in Ohio?

    Depending upon the complexity of the issues in your divorce, the disparity between the spouse's respective positions on those issues, and other procedural requirements, a typical divorce in Ohio may take as few as 60 days and as many as 18 months or more.  To discuss the likely amount of time that your divorce will require to be finalized, call and schedule a free appointment today.

How Long Does a Divorce in Butler County Domestic Relations Court Take

In order to address the length of time a divorce in Butler County takes, we have to be aware of the divorce process. Each step in the divorce process outlined below takes varying amounts of time, largely dependent upon: (1) the Butler County Domestic Court's available docket space for hearings to be scheduled, (2) the number of submissions being checked by the Butler County Case Management Department at the time that your documents are submitted for review, (3) the length of time required to perfect service, (4) the client's timeliness in signing required documents and fulfilling required obligations regarding the case, (5) the other spouse's retention of an attorney, (6) the amount of assets and liabilities owned by either party or by the parties as a whole, and (7) the attorney's timeliness in drafting and submitting documents to the Case Management Department. 

Butler County Domestic Relations Divorce Timeline


(1) Document Drafting: Your attorney will draft all documents required for filing. Length of time for drafting will largely depend upon: 


a.     What Type of Pleading Is Being Filed? Has a Complaint for Divorce been filed? If so, are you filing an Answer or an Answer and Counterclaim for Divorce?


If a Complaint for Divorce has not been filed, the initial Complaint will be drafted.


b.    Are There Minor Children? Whether or not you and your spouse have minor children, and if so, whether you and your spouse reside within the same house, or are living separate and apart from one another.


c.     Are Temporary Orders Being Requested? The need for temporary orders will effect the amount of time needed for drafting the initial filing.  Temporary orders are intended to be temporary only, and serve to maintain the status quo during the course of your divorce. The central purpose of temporary orders is to ensure that necessary living expenses are paid and to ensure that the parents are able to exercise parenting time pursuant to a schedule that is in the best interest of the minor child or children. 


Temporary orders may involve:


i.               Temporary custody orders,

ii.              Temporary parenting schedule,

iii.             Temporary child support,

iv.              Temporary spousal support,

 v.              Temporary orders regarding payment of debts and financial obligations.

(2) Document Submission: Documents are E-Submitted to Butler County Domestic Relations Case Management.

a.     Which Documents must be approved by case management before they can be filed?


The following pleadings are required to be pre-approved by Butler County Case Management, before they are able to be filed:


i.                Complaint for Divorce  and all supporting documents.

ii.              Answer to Complaint for Divorce and all supporting documents.

iii.            Answer and Counterclaim for Divorce and all supporting documents.


b.    Length of Time for Case Management Review: The amount of time that case management requires to review submitted documents depends on:


i.        Are There Minor Children? The existence of minor children increases the amount of time required                 for case management review and approval. This is largely due to the number of additional                                   documents required for a divorce with children.


ii.         Are There Temporary Orders Being Requested? Requests for temporary orders increases the                            amount of time required by case management to approve a submission for filing.

(3) If Documents Are Rejected By Butler County Case Management: Amendments and corrections must be made and the documents are resubmitted for review and approval.

(4) Documents Are Approved For Filing And Are Filed With the Clerk of Courts: Once all documents have been approved for filing, they will be copied and filed with the Butler County Clerk Of Courts. The filing fee must be paid at this time.

(5) Service Upon Spouse: Serve the other spouse with a copy of the Complaint for Divorce. The service may be by personal service by someone not related to the case in any way, by certified mail, or by other means required by the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure. Arrangements for service of documents are made through the Clerk of Courts’ Office.

(6) Service is Perfected Upon Spouse: Once they are served, the other spouse must file an Answer to the Complaint within 28 days of the time served (not the date the Complaint was filed). 


75N Note:  

Request for temporary orders pursuant to Rule 75N require that the counter-affidavit must be filed within 14 days of the date of service.


(7) Parenting Class Requirement: If there are minor children, you must attend mandatory parenting education at pursuant to the DR628 Notice of Requirement to Attend Mandatory Parent Education Class after filing. You must have your Case Number in order to register for the parenting class. Therefore, you are only able to register for the class AFTER the initial filing has occurred. If you are filing an Answer to a Complaint, the case number was issued upon the filing of the Complaint.


(8) No Answer is Filed:

a.     If the other spouse DOES NOT FILE an Answer or respond within 28 days after service:


 i.         Attorney prepares and submits to Case Management Office a Decree that resolves all                                            issues and  is conforms to the court requirements/rule. 

                                     ii.        Upon approval of the Decree, the Court will schedule a final non-contested hearing.

            iii.       Once the Decree is approved, Mail a copy of the Decree to the other spouse at the address                                               where they were served at least 14 days before the default hearing.

            iv.        Party that filed Complaint must attend the uncontested divorce hearing and bring a                                                         witness that can attest to the parties' incompatibility as husband and wife.

(9) If the other spouse FILES an Answer:

a.     The Court will set a SCHEDULING CONFERENCE two to three weeks after the Answer is filed. The SCHEDULING CONFERENCE is the opportunity for the Court to meet with the parties, review any issues involved in that particular case, to set deadlines for the exchange of documents and evidence (completion of discovery), and set future hearing dates.


b.  Settlement Conference will be ordered by the Court.

   i. What is a Settlement Conference? A settlement conference is a meeting where the parties and                           attorneys work on the terms and conditions of all motions in order to attempt to reach an amicable                 resolution on all pending matters.

  ii. Is attendance mandatory? Yes. This is a crucial stage in every Butler County Divorce. Failure to attend             a settlement conference may result in contempt, financial sanctions, and imposition of attorney fees.

 iii.  Where does a settlement conference occur? This generally occurs at one of the attorney’s offices. Since          this is a meeting and period for negotiation, this doers not occur in the presence of any court officials,            judges, or mediators. Further, this is not recorded. Subject to very few exceptions, any offers exchanged          at the settlement conference are not admissible in court hearings.

       c. The Court conducts a Pre Trial Hearing after the settlement conference.

   i.   If the parties are close to a resolution: The Court may schedule another pre trial if the parties indicate          that substantial progress has been made and the parties believe that they are close to a global                            resolution.

   ii. If no resolution is in sight: The court will schedule a trial date if all issues are not resolved.

What issues will be addressed in my divorce case?

Click on each title below to learn more about each issue.

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